O mocho é para mim um dos símbolos de sabedoria. E a vida tem sido sábia para mim... ensina-me e partilha comigo muitos dos seus saberes. A minha vida tem sido de facto enriquecida com sentimentos, vivências e pessoas importantes para mim e nesse caminho há pessoas que entram e marcam uma época, há outras que passam sem deixar marcas e outras ainda que ficam para partilharem comigo as suas tristezas, alegrias, amores e desamores.
The owl is to me one of the wisdom symbols. And life has been wise to me... teach me and shares with me many of its knowledge’s. My life has been rich in feelings, experiences and people important to me and in that path there are people that enter and mark a period, others pass through without leaving any mark ant others come to stay and share with me its sadness, joy, loves and disaffections.
The owl is to me one of the wisdom symbols. And life has been wise to me... teach me and shares with me many of its knowledge’s. My life has been rich in feelings, experiences and people important to me and in that path there are people that enter and mark a period, others pass through without leaving any mark ant others come to stay and share with me its sadness, joy, loves and disaffections.
Com todos tenho aprendido a tolerância, a amizade, o carinho, o respeito e acima de tudo que as diferenças não têm que ser motivo de ruptura.
With all I have learn tolerance, friendship, tender, respect and above
all I have learn that differences doesn't have to be motive of rupture.
Com tudo isto vos deixo aqui um mochito que foi uma oferta do meu filhote a alguém especial na vida dele e que vai de certo trazer-lhe muitos sorrisos ;) ... o Afonso!
With all these I leave you an owl that was an offer from my son to
someone very special in is life that is going to give him so many smiles :) ...
Que este mocho traga a calma e sabedoria a todos e especialmente a este menino que irá de certo ser muito amado!
That this
owl brings calm and wisdom to all and especially to this baby who is going to
be so much loved.
Beijinhos e até amanhã!
Big kisses and see you tomorrow!
Big kisses and see you tomorrow!