Ainda no ano de 2013 a S. pediu-me se lhe fazia o forro para a alcofa da sua menina que vai nascer, e eu como gosto de desafios disse logo que sim. Nunca me tinha aventurado e para primeira viagem até nem correu mal.
Foi um processo de raiz uma vez que não disponho de qualquer molde para o efeito, no entanto foi recompensador ver o projeto crescer e acabar em algo tão bonito. Pensei, desenhei, fui por tentativa/erro percorrendo o caminho até ao fim e resultou... pelo menos a S. ADOROU o que para mim vale tudo.
Ora espreitem lá...
Still in 2013 S. asked me if I could do the carrycot liner for her baby girl to born, and I can't say no to a challenge, so I accepted. Never had done one and for the first time doesn't went bad.
It was a process from the scratch, however it was rewarding to see the project growing and ending in something so beautiful. I thought, I drew, I went trying and failing all through until the end, and it worked... at least S. LOVED IT, which means everything to me.
Take a look...
Still in 2013 S. asked me if I could do the carrycot liner for her baby girl to born, and I can't say no to a challenge, so I accepted. Never had done one and for the first time doesn't went bad.
It was a process from the scratch, however it was rewarding to see the project growing and ending in something so beautiful. I thought, I drew, I went trying and failing all through until the end, and it worked... at least S. LOVED IT, which means everything to me.
Take a look...
Foi um desafio e tanto... se há coisas a melhorar? Claro que sim, até porque sou demasiado exigente com o que faço, mas para primeira vez estou de facto orgulhosa!
E vocês, também exigem demasiado de vocês mesmos nas coisas que fazem?
It was a big challenge... if there are some things to improve? Of course there are, because I´m too demanding with all that I do, but for a first time I´m really proud!
And you, are also too demanding with your stuff??
Beijinhos e até amanhã!
Big kisses and see you tomorow!
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